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Department of Quantitative Biomedicine


Edwin ter Voert

  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Project Manager
  • IT Specialist
Department of Quantitative Biomedicine, Schmelzbergstrasse 26 (Floor D), 8006 Zurich
Room number
SHM26 D2


Since January 2024, I am working in the Biomedical Image Analysis and Machine Learning group of prof. Bjoern Menze. Here I work on and try to manage the LOOP Zurich Biomedical Informatics Imaging (BMI2) Platform project; a unified and fully Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN)-compatible extension to the LOOP BioMedical Informatics Platform (BMIP) for the handling of biomedical image data. It will implement necessary infrastructure to make machine learning (ML) technology and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm development more easily accessible for biomedical and clinical researchers in the Zurich area.

The current BMI2 project can to some extent be seen as a continuation of the Personalized Health and Related Technology (PHRT) project: "Towards Deep Medical Imaging Databases”, where I worked on before in the Biomedical Image Computing (BMIC) group of prof. Ender Konukoglu at the Computer Vision Lab of the ETH Zurich. Back then I also joined a semantic workgroup of SPHN where we worked on medical imaging concepts for the SPHN framework.

Previously, in 2014, GE Healthcare installed one of their three new prototype simultaneous PET/MR scanners at the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital Zurich (USZ). Shortly after, I moved to Switzerland to work on a wide range of somewhat more technical research projects with this new PET/MR scanner.

Before that, in 2008, I worked on my PhD research project at the Department of Radiology of the University Medical Centre in Nijmegen. There we tried to predict the response to systemic treatment in patients with colorectal liver metastases using pre-treatment and/or early measurements. For this, we obtained clinical scans that were performed on Siemens integrated (18F-FDG) PET/CT, and 1.5T and 3T MR scanners (MR pulse sequences included: 19F/1H MRS, DCE-MRI, DWI, and T2* imaging). Preclinical imaging was performed in mice and rats using Bruker 7T ClinScan and 11.7T BioSpec MR scanners and a Siemens Inveon PET scanner.

 I have an educational background in Software Engineering (Hogeschool Enschede) and in Biomedical Engineering (TU/e Eindhoven). I obtained my PhD in Medical Sciences at the Radboud University in Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

 In general, I am interested in all kinds of science, technology, and engineering. Professionally my research interests go to medical sciences: medical scanners, medical imaging topics like image analysis and processing, but also the combination of those with for example computer simulations, modeling, visualization, deep learning, vision, and patient health. I especially like it to combine technologies from different fields to develop new medical imaging ideas or practical solutions for clinical problems.


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