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I am a computer scientist working in the field of biomedical image analysis
and a professor in the Department for Quantitative Biomedicine at the
University of Zurich. Before, I was a professor in the Department of
Informatics at TU München (W3 level), a Rudolf Moessbauer Tenure Track
Professor of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study (W2 level), and a guest
professor at Maastricht University. As postdoc, I was a member of the
Asclepios team of the Inria Sophia-Antipolis, the Computer Vision Lab at
ETHZ, and the CSAIL Medical Vision Group at MIT, as well as the Department
of Anthropology of Harvard FAS, and the Surgical Planning Lab at Brigham
Women's Hospital. I received a PhD from Heidelberg University in 2007.
I organized workshops at MICCAI, ISBI, NeurIPS, and CVPR in the fields of
medical computer vision and neuroimage processing, served as guest editor
for Medical Image Analysis and as a member of the program committee of
MICCAI, and I am a member of the editorial board of Medical Image Analysis.
I received the Medical Image Analysis Award for the best paper of MICCAI
2014, and the Young Scientist Publication Impact Award at MICCAI 2015. I
serve as a general chair for MIDL 2022.
My work on translating computational methods from medical image analysis
towards applications in Near Eastern Archaeology has been featured, for
example, in Geo Magazin, Spiegel and Nature.
Since 2020 |
UZH, Zurich, Switzerland |
2019-2020 |
TUM, Munich, Germany (link) |
2019 | Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands (link) Visiting Professor, Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering |
2013-2019 |
TUM, Munich, Germany (link) |
2011-2013 |
ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland (link) Research Scientist / Lecturer, Computer Vision Laboratory, ITET |
2009-2011 | MIT, Cambridge/MA, USA (link) Postdoc, Medical Vision Group, CSAIL |
2008-2014 |
INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France (link) |
2008-2009 | Harvard Medical School, Boston/MA, USA (link) Postdoc, Department of Radiology, BWH |
2007-2008 | Harvard University, Cambridge/MA, USA (link) Postdoc, Department of Anthropology |
2007 | Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany (link) PhD in Computer Science / "Dr. rer. nat.", IWR |
2004 | Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany (link) MSc / "Diplom-Physiker" |
2002 | Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (link) MSc / "Filosofie Magister" |