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This work results from a collaboration between Michael Krauthammer, Daniel Stekhoven (Clinical Bioinformatics at the ETH Zurich core facility NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies) and Kerstin Vokinger (UZH).
Technological advances have made it possible to explore the wealth of health data collected in electronic health records (EHR) and other health-related data sources, with the aim of improving innovation and quality in medicine. These advances have led to the concern that the use of health data for publicly-funded research may expose patients personal information. This study i) analysed how different regulations implemented in the US, EU, and Switzerland to protect patient privacy distinguish between different levels of anonymization of health data, and ii) assessed whether and how these levels align with technical advancements.
See K.N. Vokinger et al., 2020, The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics